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Create the House of Your Dreams

starting with the

8 Most Important Steps

If you're wanting to design your dream house you need to make sure you get it right. Too often people just start drawing plans without doing the necessary prep work to make sure they'll get what they actually need and want. As with all things we do, preparation is the key.

I grew up living in a home that was poorly planned. It was what my parents could afford in the neighborhood they wanted when they were young, but it was far from a dream home. What’s surprising is this house was designed by the people who built it for themselves prior to my parents purchasing it!

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I often wondered why the prior owners would build such a badly-planned house. It had circuitous pathways to get between rooms and to the outside, a large eat-in kitchen with minimal counters and cabinets, rooms with cross traffic that intefered with furniture placement and cooking, and many doors that interfered with each other and located where furnishings and appliances wanted to be placed. What I came to realize was that they didn’t put much forethought into the design; they just drew some rooms next to each other and called it a day.

I was always trying to figure out what my parents could do to make our house better and looking at other houses to see what did or didn't work. I was always drawing up plan ideas to remodel our house to make it better.

I wanted to become an architect because of that house. I went to college and learned how to design. Once I graduated, I worked under the tutelage of some very talented architects. I learned from them what you need to do BEFORE you start to draw, working closely with the clients to help them describe the home they actually needed and wanted so that they would get a well-designed house that represented them.

From this experience I was able to design many beautiful, well-planned, and unique homes that represent the individual dreams of the clients.

I’ve noticed over the years that most new houses and plans you see online, especially those that are offered for sale, are often lacking in multiple ways. I’ve also reviewed plans people have drawn for themselves and found that a lot of them don’t work well, and many people missed simple opportunities for an even better home.

Like the prior owners who built my childhood home, many people start drawing rooms together without doing the necessary prep work to make sure they get what they actually need and want.

I knew there had to be a better way for people to prepare BEFROE they draw, a path to better plans for themselves.


Your New Home Project Guide

I’ve used my years of knowledge and experience to create this design preparation guide for you. This eBook outlines everything you should do BEFORE you draw your plans. Use this guide to determine what you need and want in each room and space to make sure your house will work and to determine what your dream home should actually be. This information will become the foundation on which you'll design your new house.

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Your Perfect Preparation Guide

This eBook takes you step-by-step through all the things you need to consider FIRST before you design, from visualizing your dream to creating a realistic target size for your dream home.

Here's What You'll Accomplish...

Determine the ACTUAL dream for your new home. Don't just assume a new house designed kind of like something else you saw. It should be your own.

Create an inventory of all current and new furnishings that will go into your new home.

Determine your requirements for each room and space to make sure you account for everything.

Draw simple layouts for each room and space based on your furniture using standard clearances between furniture and for circulation in the room. You'll use these as a guide for your future floor planning efforts.

Establish the relationships you want between all spaces to make sure you get them right.

Determine a realistic target size for your new house based on your room requirements and room layouts.

Collect and organize all images, articles, and information that inspire your design.

Create a Project Guide that you'll use during the design of your house to ensure you get the house you really need and want.

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Why Should You Buy?

"Every great design begins with an even better story."

Lorinda Mamo

This guide will help you write your own story for your new home.

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

Alexander Graham Bell

Use the guide to prepare you for your success.

"Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design."

Charles Eames

Do you truly know your wants and needs?

Use the guide to consider, create, and compile your requirements.

Here's Everything You'll Get...

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The eBook Guide

This unique 36-page eBook takes you through eight steps and assignments to help you figure out what you really need and want. ($100 Value)

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Reference and Worksheets

11 reference sheets and worksheets to help you with your assignments, with excel and word worksheet files available. (Included)

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Grid Sheet

A grid sheet you can print out and use to create mini-plan room layouts based on your requirements for each room. (Included)

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Sample Room Plans

Over 40 sample room plans showing common room sizes and layouts for bathrooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, living spaces, and more! ($60 Value)

You'll also get

Amazing Bonus Material!

With the purchase of the eBook you'll receive...

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'Fulfilling Your Dream' Video

($75 Value)

This video introduces you to the journey, from envisioning your dream to contemplating how you actually want to use your new home. Let's set your vision for for this journey!

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Potential Spaces for You to Consider

($25 Value)

This 20-page PDF outlines more than 80 rooms, spaces, and unique elements to consider for your new home. You'll be surprised at some of the spaces you could include in your new home!

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Planning Blocks for you to Play With!

($50 Value)

A 105-page PDF containing over 200 planning blocks of differing sizes for you to study initial ideas for the placement of rooms and spaces. Just select the sizes you want, cut them out, and play!

All of this comes to a



I want to offer you something special to get you started on your journey.


'Your New Home Project Guide'


for only $27!

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Receive over 300 pages of material plus a fun video...everything you need to get started!

My "Planning Guide" Guarantee!

You'll love how this guide will help you figure out what you actually need and want for your new home! Just complete the eight steps and you'll have created and gathered a wealth of information to help you get the home you want.

If you're not convinced this guide can get you organized and ready i'll refund your money!

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